Succession Planning

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Succession Planning by Louis Jordan

If you are a front-line sales person - How much time does your supervisor spend genuinely helping you develop an existing skill or learning a new one? How much time do you spend developing skills for your next position rather than the one you currently hold?

If you are supervising sales people - how much time do you spend making them better, rather than just focusing on getting them to hit their quota?

It can be difficult, and often, you will not receive the full support of your superiors, but, to build a great team and to improve your skills you must look long-term and develop today, the skills you will need, for the challenges of tomorrow.

Thinking of personal development as "Succession Planning" can be a great help. It forces us to view the bigger picture.

- Could my development have a positive impact on those around me?

- Can my growth come as a by-product of focusing on others?

- Can I improve my skills by developing those of my direct reports, or influencing growth in my colleagues?

The simple answer is yes.

If you are already in a leadership position you need to develop those around you to back-fill your position within the organization. What can often hold strong leaders back is their inability to develop their own replacements.

If your team's performance is important to your organization what is the benefit to that organization of promoting you away from your team? Unless they have confidence that the team's performance will be maintained after your departure they will be better off leaving you where you are and finding someone else for the promotion.

Again, your development today must be to prepare you for the challenges of tomorrow. Thinking of your development as Succession Planning ensures you are focusing on the right skills, for the right reasons.

Good luck and good hunting.

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Our goal is to provide honest recommendations on all aspects of sales and leadership, including: Sales Strategies, Selling and Leading with Integrity, Cold Calling

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