Innovation- Attempt, Learn, Attempt Again

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Step 3 :Attempt, Learn, Attempt Again

Scott Berkun’s third step in innovation

The last step is not to expect success the first time. If you’re doing something new for yourself or your friends, it’s hard to predict what the outcome will be. And the bigger the innovation the more risk -- and work -- there is: Making innovative cookies is one thing, but changing the way people think or work is another.

Since long hours of work might be required to satisfy your curiosity, what’s important is how you respond to failure.

Can you find the courage to respond not with embarrassment or regret, but with more questions:

• Why did this fail?

• What can I learn now?

• What will I do differently next time?

If you can, like most great inventors and creators throughout history did, you’ll be well on your way.


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